With California’s expansion of transitional kindergarten (TK) and the development of a P-3 credential, the state has a pivotal opportunity to build a teacher workforce that has deep expertise in working with our youngest learners and families. It also provides an opportunity to tap the deep expertise of those in the early childhood field.
Join CCSESA, CCTE, PEACH, and LPI to learn about the current policy landscape, network, and collaborate. We will explore strategies to transform early childhood teacher preparation in California to support equitable access to high-quality early childhood educators across a range of settings. Through short presentations, small group discussions, and professional networking, we hope to create a collective vision, building from the opportunities that TK expansion and a new P-3 credential provide. We will aim to start identifying ways to align, articulate, and integrate work across sectors to support a highly prepared, growing early childhood teacher workforce in a way that amplifies the work you are already doing.
Working together, we can build a strong and accessible pipeline of early childhood teachers and provide high-quality experiences for California’s children and families.